2025-01-17 Competition Volta Nord Baufeld 4.2
17.01.2025 Competition Volta Nord Baufeld 4.2

2 .Price

2025-01-17 Praktikum 2025
17.01.2025 Praktikum 2025

Internship available
Starting February 2025, min. 4 sem.
6-12 Months

2024-11-20 Construction Site
20.11.2024 Construction Site

Transformation of a listed agricultural barn

2024-10-02 Construction Site
02.10.2024 Construction Site

Work in Progress
House Lavendelweg
Imprint of the Groundfloor- Split, visible in the basement

2024-05-12 Construction Start
12.05.2024 Construction Start

Transformation of a listed barn

2024-04-04 Open Internship
04.04.2024 Open Internship

We have an open internship position, starting May/ June 2024.
We are looking forward to your application!

2023-11-08 Award
08.11.2023 Award

Gutes Bauen 2023
Basel Stadt/Basel-Landschaft

2023-10-06 Planning Application
06.10.2023 Planning Application

Building Marker Masts
Wohnhaus Säumerstrasse

2023-08-17 WIR SUCHEN
17.08.2023 WIR SUCHEN

Für ein Bauprojekt suchen wir ein:e Architekt:in mit mehrjähriger Ausführungserfahrung in der Schweiz. Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung per Mail.

2023-08-16 Planning Application
16.08.2023 Planning Application

Building Marker Masts
Areal Kirschloh, City of Zug

2023-02-02 Klima.Wechsel
02.02.2023 Klima.Wechsel

IBA Vienna, New Social Housing
Zentralvereinigung der Architektinnen Österreichs
Contributions to IBA Vienna 2022, Volume 40

2022-11-25 TALKS about Architecture
25.11.2022 TALKS about Architecture

Lecture, Garage Rotterdam
Organized by Architectuur Instituut Rotterdam, Robert-Jan de Kort/ Sander van Schaik

2022-06-14 Publication
14.06.2022 Publication

Goldbachweg 12+14
In Arkitekten 05 Udstilling, Copenhagen

2022-05-23 AS
23.05.2022 AS

Guesthouse Hiriketiya in AS 224 | 1-2022

2022-05-05 Celebrating the Act of Building
05.05.2022 Celebrating the Act of Building

Seminar hosted by Johansen Skovsted Architects, Copenhagen

2022-03-16 Wir are hiring new collaborators
16.03.2022 Wir are hiring new collaborators
2022-03-07 Midterm Review
07.03.2022 Midterm Review

"Designing Collectivity, Designing Politically", Oslo School for Architecture and Design, Paul-Antoine Lucas, Hanna Birkeland Bergh, Bui Quy Son

2021-06-30 Competition Cooperative Housing BGB Widmerstrasse, Zurich
30.06.2021 Competition Cooperative Housing BGB Widmerstrasse, Zurich
  1. Price
2021-06-30 CONTEXTES
30.06.2021 CONTEXTES

Le logement contemporain en situation Book publication by Lorraine Beaudoin, Bruno Marchand with a feature on our Helen Keller project
EPFL Press, 2021

2021-05-17 ARCHETYPES
17.05.2021 ARCHETYPES

The Mock- Up Erlenmatt Ost is part of the book publication and exhibition ARCHETYPES, by the canadian artist David K. Ross. Edited by Reto Geiser, Standpunkte Basel + Park Books

2021-05-06 Lecture Oslo Arkitektforening
06.05.2021 Lecture Oslo Arkitektforening
2021-03-09 Guesthouse Hiriketiya
09.03.2021 Guesthouse Hiriketiya

"What is inside, what outside?" Text by Dorothée Müller and Thomas Schiratzki for Archithese magazine Swiss Performance 2021 on the guesthouse in Hiriketiya

2020-10-26 Competition Cooperative Housing FGZ Grossalbis
26.10.2020 Competition Cooperative Housing FGZ Grossalbis
  1. Price
2020-10-10 Lecture
10.10.2020 Lecture

Federation of Swiss Architects, Lucerne

2020-09-09 Housing Erlenmatt Ost
09.09.2020 Housing Erlenmatt Ost

featured in DETAIL 9.2020
"Living Vertically"

2020-06-26 Helen Keller and Frohalp in
26.06.2020 Helen Keller and Frohalp in

Organique. L’Architecture du logement, des écrits aux œuvres
Bruno Marchand, Christophe Joud, EPFL Press, Lausanne, 2020.

2020-04-30 Erlenmatt Ost
30.04.2020 Erlenmatt Ost

Featured in Werk, Bauen+Wohnen 4-2020
Text by Lucia Gratz

2020-03-27 Competition Lerchenhalde, Zürich
27.03.2020 Competition Lerchenhalde, Zürich
  1. Price
2020-03-23 Helen Keller
23.03.2020 Helen Keller

Second stage soon to be completed

2020-03-05 Swiss Performance 2020
05.03.2020 Swiss Performance 2020

Erlenmatt Ost featured in the Archithese Magazine
Swiss Performance 2020

2020-02-26 Lecture Studio Annette Spiro
26.02.2020 Lecture Studio Annette Spiro

"Wechselwirkungen: Raum, Material und Farbe im Wohnungsbau"
ETH Zürich

2020-01-27 INTERNSHIP
27.01.2020 INTERNSHIP

We are hiring a highly motivated intern for a period of 6 months.
At least 4 semesters or bachelor. We are looking forward to receive your printed portfolio and CV by post.

2020-01-10 Guesthouse Hiriketiya
10.01.2020 Guesthouse Hiriketiya

Foto: Rasmus Norlander
More fotos coming soon

2019-11-11 Lecture TU Darmstadt
11.11.2019 Lecture TU Darmstadt

Lecture on the series positions of TU Darmstadt, 20. November 2019, 18:00.
Architecture Campus Lichtwiese , El-Lissitzky-Straße 1 (L3|01 Space 93)

2019-11-11 Building award Erlenmatt Ost
11.11.2019 Building award Erlenmatt Ost

Erlenmatt Ost has been awarded by the foundation of heritage protection Basel, for its annual building awards, 2019
Basler Heimatschutz

2019-10-09 Helen Keller
09.10.2019 Helen Keller

Group Exhibition
Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine, Paris

2019-09-17 Erlenmatt
17.09.2019 Erlenmatt


2019-08-06 Erlenmatt Ost completed
06.08.2019 Erlenmatt Ost completed

Photos by Rasmus Norlander

2019-07-23 Helen Keller in Wohnen für Alle
23.07.2019 Helen Keller in Wohnen für Alle

Publication DOM Publishers
DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum

2019-05-17 Hiriketiya
17.05.2019 Hiriketiya

In the finishing
More infos coming soon

2019-03-25 Erlenmatt Ost
25.03.2019 Erlenmatt Ost

In the finishing

2019-02-21 Competition Project Frohalp
21.02.2019 Competition Project Frohalp

Our proposal for the competition Frohalp in Zurich achieves a purchase

2018-12-20 Gerichtshaus in AS–Nr. 211
20.12.2018 Gerichtshaus in AS–Nr. 211

AS Magazin

2018-10-30 Group Exhibition Museum für Gestaltung 7.12.2018–14.4.2019
30.10.2018 Group Exhibition Museum für Gestaltung 7.12.2018–14.4.2019

3D Schrift am Bau

2018-09-26 Building Site Erlenmatt Ost
26.09.2018 Building Site Erlenmatt Ost
2018-06-08 Archetypes Project
08.06.2018 Archetypes Project

Happy to be part of Artist David K. Ross' Archetypes Project
Image courtesy David K. Ross and Patrick Mikhail Gallery

2018-05-25 Hiriketiya Building Site
25.05.2018 Hiriketiya Building Site
2018-05-04 Topping Out Erlenmatt Ost
04.05.2018 Topping Out Erlenmatt Ost
2018-03-04 Ceramic House Numbers Helen Keller
04.03.2018 Ceramic House Numbers Helen Keller

Nora Wagner, Hannes Gloor, AAA

2018-03-03 Architecture Forum Lausanne
03.03.2018 Architecture Forum Lausanne

Group Exhibition 22.3–15.4.2018

2018-02-22 Building Site Erlenmatt Ost
22.02.2018 Building Site Erlenmatt Ost
2018-02-06 Erlenmatt Ost
06.02.2018 Erlenmatt Ost

Mock Up

2018-02-01 Helen Keller Finishing 1. Phase
01.02.2018 Helen Keller Finishing 1. Phase

Project Visit 17.02.2018, 11–16:00h

2017-11-15 Lecture SIA Winterthur
15.11.2017 Lecture SIA Winterthur

22.11.2017, 18:00h

2017-11-08 Building Site Hiriketiya
08.11.2017 Building Site Hiriketiya
2017-10-26 Book Publication
26.10.2017 Book Publication

New Housing in Zurich
Typologies for a changing society
Dominique Boudet
Park Books

2017-09-21 Helen Keller, Open House Zürich
21.09.2017 Helen Keller, Open House Zürich

Public Building Site Visit 30.9.2017

2017-09-10 Building Site Hiriketiya, Sri Lanka
10.09.2017 Building Site Hiriketiya, Sri Lanka
2017-08-22 Erlenmatt Ost, Bausteine 10 & 11
22.08.2017 Erlenmatt Ost, Bausteine 10 & 11

Building Site has started

2017-07-18 FS 17 Abraha Achermann, HSLU
18.07.2017 FS 17 Abraha Achermann, HSLU

Student Works 1. year

2017-06-20 Final Critics HSLU
20.06.2017 Final Critics HSLU
2017-06-12 Architekturforum Thun
12.06.2017 Architekturforum Thun

U40 Book Vernissage 14.06.17, 18:30h

2017-05-03 Building Site Helen Keller
03.05.2017 Building Site Helen Keller
2017-05-02 Erlenmatt Ost, Basel
02.05.2017 Erlenmatt Ost, Basel

Building Permit received

2017-04-06 Refurbishment Atelier
06.04.2017 Refurbishment Atelier
2017-03-31 À l'intérieur, Publication by EPFL
31.03.2017 À l'intérieur, Publication by EPFL

Christophe Joud

2017-03-27 Competition Cooperative Housing BGO Zürich 1. Price
27.03.2017 Competition Cooperative Housing BGO Zürich 1. Price
2017-02-16 Building Start Bed&Breakfast
16.02.2017 Building Start Bed&Breakfast

Hiriketiya, Sri Lanka

2017-01-30 HS 16 Abraha Achermann, HSLU
30.01.2017 HS 16 Abraha Achermann, HSLU

Student Works 1. Year

2016-11-21 Group Exhibition
21.11.2016 Group Exhibition "Schweizweit"

19.11.16 –7.5.17, S AM Basel

2016-11-21 Group Exhibition Hochparterre
21.11.2016 Group Exhibition Hochparterre

1.12.–3.12.16, Pavillon Werd, ZH

2016-09-27 Student Works HSLU Basic
27.09.2016 Student Works HSLU Basic


2016-09-07 Building Site Helen Keller
07.09.2016 Building Site Helen Keller
2016-08-12 Refurbishment Friedrichstrasse
12.08.2016 Refurbishment Friedrichstrasse


2016-08-05 Interior Project OKI
05.08.2016 Interior Project OKI

Building Site

2016-07-20 Planning Erlenmatt Ost
20.07.2016 Planning Erlenmatt Ost
2016-07-07 Building Site Friedrichstrasse
07.07.2016 Building Site Friedrichstrasse
2016-05-04 Building Site Helen Keller
04.05.2016 Building Site Helen Keller
2016-04-08 Competition Werdgässchen 2. Price
08.04.2016 Competition Werdgässchen 2. Price
2016-03-23 Workshop
23.03.2016 Workshop
2016-03-22 Architekturforum Thun
22.03.2016 Architekturforum Thun

"15 unter 40"

2016-01-31 Atelier Weekend in Brussels
31.01.2016 Atelier Weekend in Brussels
2016-01-20 Final Critics HSLU
20.01.2016 Final Critics HSLU
2015-12-08 Logements en Devenir
08.12.2015 Logements en Devenir

EPFL Press

2015-09-13 Gerichtshaus
13.09.2015 Gerichtshaus

European Days of Heritage Conservation

2015-09-02 Housing, Ateliers, Cafe
02.09.2015 Housing, Ateliers, Cafe

Erlenmatt Ost, Competition 1. Price

2015-09-02 Final Critics HSLU
02.09.2015 Final Critics HSLU
2015-08-14 Helen Keller
14.08.2015 Helen Keller

Building Permit received

2015-07-10 Building Site Landschaustrasse
10.07.2015 Building Site Landschaustrasse
2015-06-26 Competition Goler
26.06.2015 Competition Goler
2015-06-25 Building Site Landschaustrasse
25.06.2015 Building Site Landschaustrasse
2015-04-30 Building Site Landschaustrasse
30.04.2015 Building Site Landschaustrasse
2015-04-13 Competition Obsthaldenstrasse 2. Price
13.04.2015 Competition Obsthaldenstrasse 2. Price
2015-03-11 Gerichtshaus completed
11.03.2015 Gerichtshaus completed
2015-03-11 Gerichtshaus Completed
11.03.2015 Gerichtshaus Completed
2015-01-29 Project Visit Gerichtshaus
29.01.2015 Project Visit Gerichtshaus

Saturday, 31.1.2015, 13.00h–16.00h

2014-11-26 Building Site Gerichtshaus
26.11.2014 Building Site Gerichtshaus
2014-11-12 Building Site Landschaustrasse
12.11.2014 Building Site Landschaustrasse
2014-10-15 Building Start Landschaustrasse
15.10.2014 Building Start Landschaustrasse
2014-10-07 Building Site Gerichtshaus
07.10.2014 Building Site Gerichtshaus
2014-09-11 Restauration Gerichtshaus
11.09.2014 Restauration Gerichtshaus
2014-07-27 Wood- Concrete Composite, Gerichtshaus
27.07.2014 Wood- Concrete Composite, Gerichtshaus
2014-07-17 Building Site Gerichtshaus
17.07.2014 Building Site Gerichtshaus
2014-06-26 Window Production Huber Fenster, Herisau
26.06.2014 Window Production Huber Fenster, Herisau
2014-06-24 Competition Guggach II, ZH 3. Price
24.06.2014 Competition Guggach II, ZH 3. Price
2014-05-10 Office
10.05.2014 Office
2014-05-08 Making of
08.05.2014 Making of
2014-03-06 Building Site Gerichtshaus
06.03.2014 Building Site Gerichtshaus
2013-12-03 Refurbishment Gerichtshaus
03.12.2013 Refurbishment Gerichtshaus
2012-12-13 New Atelier
13.12.2012 New Atelier
2012-11-06 Refurbishment Bändlistrasse
06.11.2012 Refurbishment Bändlistrasse
2012-09-08 Gerichtshaus Münchwilen
08.09.2012 Gerichtshaus Münchwilen

Construction Loan approved

2012-06-12 Competition Helen Keller 1. Price
12.06.2012 Competition Helen Keller 1. Price
2012-04-05 Refurbishment
05.04.2012 Refurbishment