2 .Price

Internship available
Starting February 2025, min. 4 sem.
6-12 Months

Transformation of a listed agricultural barn

Work in Progress
House Lavendelweg
Imprint of the Groundfloor- Split, visible in the basement

Transformation of a listed barn

We have an open internship position, starting May/ June 2024.
We are looking forward to your application!

Gutes Bauen 2023
Basel Stadt/Basel-Landschaft

Building Marker Masts
Wohnhaus Säumerstrasse

Für ein Bauprojekt suchen wir ein:e Architekt:in mit mehrjähriger Ausführungserfahrung in der Schweiz. Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung per Mail.

Building Marker Masts
Areal Kirschloh, City of Zug

IBA Vienna, New Social Housing
Zentralvereinigung der Architektinnen Österreichs
Contributions to IBA Vienna 2022, Volume 40

Lecture, Garage Rotterdam
Organized by Architectuur Instituut Rotterdam, Robert-Jan de Kort/ Sander van Schaik

Goldbachweg 12+14
In Arkitekten 05 Udstilling, Copenhagen

Guesthouse Hiriketiya in AS 224 | 1-2022

Seminar hosted by Johansen Skovsted Architects, Copenhagen

"Designing Collectivity, Designing Politically", Oslo School for Architecture and Design, Paul-Antoine Lucas, Hanna Birkeland Bergh, Bui Quy Son

- Price

Le logement contemporain en situation Book publication by Lorraine Beaudoin, Bruno Marchand with a feature on our Helen Keller project
EPFL Press, 2021

The Mock- Up Erlenmatt Ost is part of the book publication and exhibition ARCHETYPES, by the canadian artist David K. Ross. Edited by Reto Geiser, Standpunkte Basel + Park Books

"What is inside, what outside?" Text by Dorothée Müller and Thomas Schiratzki for Archithese magazine Swiss Performance 2021 on the guesthouse in Hiriketiya

- Price

Federation of Swiss Architects, Lucerne

featured in DETAIL 9.2020
"Living Vertically"

Organique. L’Architecture du logement, des écrits aux œuvres
Bruno Marchand, Christophe Joud, EPFL Press, Lausanne, 2020.

Featured in Werk, Bauen+Wohnen 4-2020
Text by Lucia Gratz

- Price

Second stage soon to be completed

Erlenmatt Ost featured in the Archithese Magazine
Swiss Performance 2020

"Wechselwirkungen: Raum, Material und Farbe im Wohnungsbau"
ETH Zürich

We are hiring a highly motivated intern for a period of 6 months.
At least 4 semesters or bachelor. We are looking forward to receive your printed portfolio and CV by post.

Foto: Rasmus Norlander
More fotos coming soon

Lecture on the series positions of TU Darmstadt, 20. November 2019, 18:00.
Architecture Campus Lichtwiese , El-Lissitzky-Straße 1 (L3|01 Space 93)

Erlenmatt Ost has been awarded by the foundation of heritage protection Basel, for its annual building awards, 2019
Basler Heimatschutz

Group Exhibition
Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine, Paris


Publication DOM Publishers
DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum

In the finishing
More infos coming soon

In the finishing

Our proposal for the competition Frohalp in Zurich achieves a purchase

Happy to be part of Artist David K. Ross' Archetypes Project
Image courtesy David K. Ross and Patrick Mikhail Gallery

Group Exhibition 22.3–15.4.2018

Mock Up

Project Visit 17.02.2018, 11–16:00h

22.11.2017, 18:00h

New Housing in Zurich
Typologies for a changing society
Dominique Boudet
Park Books

Public Building Site Visit 30.9.2017

Building Site has started

Student Works 1. year

U40 Book Vernissage 14.06.17, 18:30h

Building Permit received

Christophe Joud

Hiriketiya, Sri Lanka

Student Works 1. Year

19.11.16 –7.5.17, S AM Basel

1.12.–3.12.16, Pavillon Werd, ZH



Building Site

"15 unter 40"

EPFL Press

European Days of Heritage Conservation

Erlenmatt Ost, Competition 1. Price

Building Permit received

Saturday, 31.1.2015, 13.00h–16.00h

Construction Loan approved